LasÞ²t nigÞ²ht - BilÞ²l CliÞ²ntoÞ²n

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LasÞ²t nigÞ²ht - BilÞ²l CliÞ²ntoÞ²n

Post by conley »

.I was fortunate enough to be able to check out Bill Clinton last night, as he was in our fine city speaking. Like him or not, he really does kick ass as a public speaker.

One of the many interesting points that he discussed was our ever increasing energy crisis. We are spending billions & billions of dollars on oil everyday. He then gave an example of us being able to save fuel costs, which would result in sending less money overseas for oil - by putting more research into the "hybrid car concept." Hybrids, I think, get about 25 - 30 miles per gallon on a battery & then another 20, or so, on fuel - totaling around 50mÞ²iles per gallon (or so).

I didn't know this, but he said that there are 12 hybrid proto-types being driven that have a special lithium battery that will give you 50 miles per gallon & around another 50 in fuel = 100 miles per gallon!!!! Why haven't we looked into this battery more aggressively???? His point was, "If we can put a man on the moon, why aren't we researching this wonderful alternative to fuel?" By producing more hybrid cars, we can eventually be spending less on oil outside of this country"!!!!!

If you want the same thing you've had for the last 8 years, vote McCain......If you want to "roll the dice", vote Obama...........if you really want someone who'll make a difference, Vote Hillary!!!!

For all of your paranoid republicans, rest assured, she's not going to pull all of the troops out of the Middle East.
Last edited by conley on Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
Dagwood Lee
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Post by Dagwood Lee »

Been riding my bike to work lately---only four miles maybe. Takes 12 minutes, precisely 2X longer than if I drove. So an additional 6 minutes saves money, pollution and gets me in shape. A little can make a difference.

I sure hope Hillary pulls the troops out..something that should have happened a long time ago.
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Post by sevesd93 »

Yeah, Hillary will make a difference alright, in my paycheck.
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Post by conley »

Bill Clinton said that Hillary definitely plans on pulling a good amount of the troops, but not all of them.......We can't just leave these people "hang'n", yet at the same time, the only way the Iraqi government can truly become independent, is if we shift more responsibility on their "plates" by pulling troops.....right now, we're just babysitting. He said that a Clinton administration would focus their military efforts where we really should be - on the Taliban Al qaeda - more in the direction of Afghanistan (sp??).
Dagwood Lee
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Post by Dagwood Lee »

BUt she'll use it to treat that lung cancer you're working towards when you're 70.
Dagwood Lee
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Post by Dagwood Lee »

should be - on the Taliban Al qaeda - more in the direction of Afghanistan (sp??).
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about them or Bin Laden. Been so focused on the daily car bombings in Baghdad which take out all of those key, strategic, terrorist-types...AKA innocent bystanders.
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Post by conley »

How is Hillary going to affect your paycheck?.......seriously?......My man Mitch - a Republican - just screwed over a whole lot of people with his nifty little property tax deal.........seriously, do you rent or own your home? Anyone who rents just got a 1% sales tax increase and possibly a 2% income tax increase because of our REPUBLICAN governer - no incentives, nothing......But, rich homeowners will prosper.....that old tax argument now seems to apply to both sides.
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Post by sevesd93 »

I own my home. My taxes went down. I am happy.

Hillary will raise taxes, making my paycheck go down, making me unhappy.

I will not benefit from any of her socialist plans, I will only contribute monetarily to them.
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Post by conley »

I am also a homeowner & will save some money on property taxes; but as a whole, after you do the math, you might find that because of the increases in other areas, you might actually be in the "red".

"My man Mitch" stuck it to a lot of people......a lot. You'll see a lot of government officials losing their jobs & a lot of less fortunate people will just not be able to absorb these kind of tax increases....but, why do anything that borders on "Socialism", when you can continue to get away with sticking it to the "little guy"?
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Post by sevesd93 »

Bottom Line.

Bill Clinton is a forking liar, and any woman who would stay with a forking liar like that has major problems as well.

These two have their own hidden agendas and doesn't include helping this country.
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Post by bassjones »

I want government officials to lose their job. Go into the private sector and actually do something productive. I'm by no means rich and I own my home, so my property taxes went down. Now the sales tax will pick up the difference, which is a much fairer means of distributing the tax burden. I'd prefer a total elimination of all income taxes too and a strict consumption (sales) tax with no taxes being charged for food/other necessities. Buy a $65,000 home and your taxes won't be too bad. Buy a $1/2 Million home and you'll take a tax hit. Buy a used Toyota and your tax hit will be reasonable. Buy a new S-Class Benz and you'll pay a lot of taxes.

Regardless.... McCain's a big believer in global warming and spending a ton of money on green research. He even backed Kyoto... not exactly my kind of Republican... But I'll probably vote for him just to make sure hillary or Barry aren't making important decisions.

Also, Hillary will hit my wallet hard by "repealing the Bush tax cuts", which by the way simply rolled the tax rates back to where they were before her husband took office and signed the largest tax increase in history into effect. If we are actually in a recession, the dumbest possible move ever would be to increase taxes and add a gazillion dollar new entitlement program (universal health care). Seriously, that makes no economic sense at all. The smart move would be to decrease spending (which Bush and Congress didn't do when they lowered taxes), but that won't happen either way.
...your tunes and your playing sound really great... all the best to you and god bless-
adam nitti" - hire me for your session from anywhere in the world.
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Post by conley »

I hope you realize that one of the biggest reasons I posted this was to get responses from Jones, Atherton & everyone else who kind of watches the polital machine a bit..........I kind of get a sick sense of joy out of stirring things up & truly respect everyone's views on this very, very important matter.

Thanks for chiming in on this.
Steel String Bender
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Post by Steel String Bender »

A quote from Dave Barry:

"The Democrats seem to be basically nicer people, but they have demonstrated time and again that they have the management skills of celery. They're the kind of people who'd stop to help you change a flat, but would somehow manage to set your car on fire. I would be reluctant to entrust them with a Cuisinart, let alone the economy. The Republicans, on the other hand, would know how to fix your tire, but they wouldn't bother to stop because they'd want to be on time for Ugly Pants Night at the country club."
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Post by bassjones »

it's all good. I like a good political discussion too. it spurs the brain into action. I certainly don't base friendships or musical affiliations on political persuasions. Other than NoRA, and when I played with Matt Gates, I'm generally the only conservative/libertarian in the band. I'm nowhere near as outspoken in person either. Internet debates are safer since people don't tend to get as offended or heated.
...your tunes and your playing sound really great... all the best to you and god bless-
adam nitti" - hire me for your session from anywhere in the world.
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Post by Garr »

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