Booking Contacts for Out of State Shows

Swap Gigs and trade shows with local bands. Wanting to set up a tour or need a band to play your event or venue? Promoters use this forum to organize large scale shows as well.

Moderators: MrSpall, bassjones, sevesd93, zenmandan

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Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2003 8:52 pm
Location: Fort Wayne, IN

Booking Contacts for Out of State Shows

Post by Qeloton »

I would like to have a list of known valid contacts for surrounding states east and west. I only ask for a couple reasons. One being that I am lazy....and I spend most of my free time playing video games...and wallowing in the loss of love. Two being that most of the contacts that I do have are logged somewhere on my comp(which I intend to post....on here), and are for Indiana. Another big the famous words of one of my favorite bands...We love to rock & roll. And its fun to tell the girls we meet that we are on tour.....

::pumps fist::

I was hoping for some responses primarially for east....and hopefully in this form.


The Cheese Hut -
Call Wolf Samson = 133-713-3713

New York:

Dirt Sanchez -
Call Ting...from Nung Perdu 555-555-5555

Im pretty sure wisconson is spelled wrong....but im so punk that i dont care.
"Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg RIP
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